Digonex Blog

AudienceView conversation with Digonex CEO

Written by Digonex | Apr 16, 2019 7:29:00 PM

Greg Loewen in Birmingham, UK for the 2019 Ticketing Professionals Conference

AudienceView recently featured Digonex in an article titled, “In Conversation: Greg Loewen, CEO, Digonex.” In it, Greg tells the Digonex story in detail, in his own words.

On Digonex’s history since our founding in 2000:

“Digonex was founded in 2000 with a goal to figuring out how to price digital music. It had what I consider to be a second birth in the middle of 2014, when we were acquired by Emmis Communications, our current parent company…When we started, Digonex was in some respects ahead of the times, but now, because we have been doing this for so long, our clients are benefiting from almost two decades of R&D in pricing science.

On the personal service Digonex provides:

We have a team that works with every client for the entire duration of our relationship. We’ll spend a lot of time in dialogue with clients when we first start with them to build that rich understanding of their business and make sure that the solution is as well designed and customized in the best way possible. But then after we go live, the work really just starts. Every day, we gather new data, we get to test again how the market has reacted to the previous day’s price changes, we get more insight so there’s an ongoing analytical process and an ongoing dialogue between us and the client about what’s happening in the marketplace. We’re taking those new insights and constantly going back into the solution and then enhancing it and strengthening it based on those elements.

On the future of dynamic pricing:

We don’t think there is any organization in live entertainment that can’t benefit from thoughtful application of dynamic pricing even if it is through an internal manual process. I’d just say jump in there, get your hands dirty and don’t be afraid to call us if you think we can help. To a large degree, this is already becoming standard practice in the industry and we think it will be even more so as clients experiment with slightly more aggressive approaches in the coming years. The world needs more art and athletics. Anything like dynamic pricing that can help performers, performing arts organizations and live event venues capture more of the value that they generate through their work and put more tickets into the hands of true fans and fill more houses is just going to make the industry stronger and more vital. And we’re really proud at Digonex to play a small part in that process.

For more information on Digonex and AudienceView: